Russian Asylum Immigration Attorney Explains Asylum Priorities and Requests

russian asylum

When it comes to political asylum requests, you always want someone on your side to help you through it. Our Russian asylum immigration attorney can help you with everything you need.

Russian Asylum Request 

Among the many different mechanisms available for immigrants in the United States, one of the most complex is that for political asylum. After all, this is one of the most complicated in terms of its application as it is more dependent on current political trends. So, if you’re a Russian or Russian-speaking asylum seeker, we want you to have the help you need to navigate this situation. 

First Priority for Political Asylum

For prospective applicants for political asylum in the United States, the first priority goes to those with high security risks in their country of origin. In these cases, having to return to their country of origin could result in serious consequences, which is why they would need some kind of legal protection upon arriving in the United States. This priority applies to people who have been victims of threats to their lives (either directly or indirectly), religious or political persecution, women at risk, victims of torture or violence, people with disabilities, and people in need of urgent medical treatment that is not is available in their country of origin, among others.

Second Asylum Priority

The groups covered by the second category of political asylum vary from moment to moment, since the United States Congress determines them from time to time. The government-defined groups represent people throughout the world who find themselves under specific extenuating circumstances that require particular attention or consideration throughout the asylum process. An example would be Cuban citizens who are human rights activists, religious minorities, political prisoners, or victims of family violence. If you are among the groups protected by Congress, our firm can help you file a Russian asylum request in the United States, building your case to give you the best chance at protection.

Last Asylum Priority

The third asylum priority is reserved for family reunification cases whereby a foreign refugee is brought to be reunited with a close relative who already has political asylum status in the United States. Each year, the government publishes a list of countries that are eligible for consideration for this third priority. Should a Russian, slavic, or Eastern European country be on the list, our immigration attorney can help you put together a Russian asylum request for your relative back home. 

Russian-Speaking Immigration Attorney

Immigrants are among the least protected and most vulnerable classes in the United States due to their weakened legal status. That is why they need to receive help from people who know about the subject. Here at Paniotto Law, a Russian-speaking immigration law firm in Los Angeles, we know how difficult it is to handle your immigration processes, which is why we are ready to help you with these types of situations. If you think you have a possible immigration case on your hands, do not hesitate to contact us to start building your case and help you move forward. We can give you a free consultation to determine what can be done for you.

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